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HSBC ATM usage video transcript

Verżjoni bil-Malti

Bħalissa, l-HSBC qiegħed jintroduċi ATMs ġodda li joffru servizz aktar effiċjenti għal min jużahom. F’dan il-filmat se nurukom kif wieħed jista’ jagħmel użu mis-servizzi varji li noffru fuq l-ATMs tagħna. Waqt li dawn l-ATMS huma moderni ħafna, il-mod kif jintużaw huwa simili ħafna għall-magni l-antiki li qed inbiddlu.

Wieħed mill-ewwel jinnota li l-iskrins tal-ATMs il-ġodda huma akbar u għandhom funzjonalità ta’ touch screen biex b’hekk joffru iktar ċarezza u kumdità meta jintużaw. Tajjeb infakkru li wieħed jista’ faċilment jagħżel bejn Ingliż u Malti meta juża l-ATM. Il-menù tas-servizzi kollha li kellna fuq l-ATMs il-qodma għadhom l-istess u huwa faċli biex tagħżel liema servizz trid tuża.

Bħala servizzi offruti, wieħed jista’ jiġbed il-flus permezz ta’ Debit jew Credit Card. Kulma trid tagħmel huwa li ddaħħal il-card fil-magna, tagħmel il-pin, u wara tagħżel l-ammont li tixtieq tiġbed, u jekk tridx irċevuta jew le. Apparti minn hekk wieħed jista’ wkoll jiddepożita flus kontanti direttament ġo l-ATM, mingħajr envelop. Dan isir faċilment b’dan il-mod. L-ATM dejjem tikkonfermalek l-ammont li tkun poġġejt. Tista’ ukoll tiddepożita ċekkijiet sa 6 ġo l-ATM mingħajr envelop, billi tagħżel Check Deposit mill-menù, iddaħħal iċ-ċekk fl-ATM fil-post indikat u ddaħħal l-ammont taċ-ċekk. L-ATM turik stampa taċ-ċekk biex int tikkonfermah.

Meta tagħmel depożitu sew ta’ ċekk jew ta’ flus kontanti tista’ dejjem titlob għall-irċevuta. Dawn l-ATMs huma wkoll mgħammra bis-servizz ta’ voice technology għal nies li huma neqsin mid-dawl. Wieħed irid iqabbad il-headphones tiegħu mal-ATM b’dan il-mod u s-servizzi jiġu attivati awtomatikament.

Iffranka l-ħin u gawdi mill-konvenjenza tal-ATMs il-ġodda tal-HSBC.

English version

Presently HSBC is introducing new ATMs, which offer a better customer experience. In this video we will demonstrate how one can make use of the services offered on our ATMs. Whilst these ATMs are very modern, the way they function is very similar to the older ATMs, which are being replaced.

One will immediately notice that the screens on the new ATMs are larger and have touchscreen capabilities, and are clearer and more convenient to use. Customers can easily choose between Maltese and English, when using the ATM. The menu of all the services on offer on the old ATMs remains the same, and choosing a service is easy.

One of the services offered is the withdrawal of cash by means of a credit or debit card. All you have to do is insert the card in the machine, enter your pin, choose the amount you wish to withdraw. You can also choose whether or not you would like a printed receipt. Additionally, you can also deposit cash to your account without the need to use an envelope. This can be easily done as shown. The ATM will always confirm the amount you have deposited. You may also deposit up to 6 cheques without an envelope into the ATM, by choosing Cheques Deposit from the menu. Insert the cheques into the ATM in the indicated slot and enter in the cheque amount. The ATM will show you an image of your cheque so that you confirm it.

When making a deposit of either a cheque or cash you can always ask for a receipt. These ATMs are also equipped with voice technology for ease of use by vision impaired customers. Simply insert your headphones jack into the ATM, and our services are then automatically activated.

Save time and enjoy the convenience of the new HSBC ATMs.

Listening to what you have to say about our services matters to us.