Verżjoni bil-Malti
Sa ftit ilu, kont naħli xebgħa ħin fil-kju... imma issa m’għadnix!
Ftaħt kont mal-bank, tawni debit card u wrewni kif nuża l-ATM.
Issa apparti li niġbed il-flus, nista’ niddepożita l-cash u c-cheques meta rrid u nkun nista’ nara wkoll kemm baqagħli flus fil-kont.
Qabel kont nibża’ mill-ATM, imma issa nħossni komdu nużaha.
Daqshekk kjus għalija. Għandi affarijiet aħjar x’nagħmel.
HSBC. Together we thrive
English version
Up to a short while ago I used to waste a lot of time in queues, but not anymore.
I opened a bank account, I got my debit card and they showed me how to use the ATM.
And now, apart from withdrawing money, I can deposit cash or cheques whenever I need. I am also able to check my account balance.
Before I used to be afraid to use the ATM, but now I feel comfortable using it.
No more queues for me, I’ve got better things to do!
HSBC. Together we thrive