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Received an SMS?

Avoid common scams by reviewing our security guidelines

If you've received an SMS that looks like it may have come from HSBC, you should make sure it's trustworthy before you reply or click any links.

Criminals may send you messages that appear to be from your bank, your internet provider or even the government. These can sometimes look very realistic, even including your personal details to trick you into sharing more information. 

What to do if you receive a suspicious text

If you receive an SMS that you believe is suspicious:


  • click on any links
  • download any attachments
  • reply or call back


  • report the message to us at  
  • report the message to your mobile operator
  • call us using one of the numbers listed on our Contact us page if you want to check whether the message was genuine
  • delete the message

Messages HSBC might send you

Some common text messages that we might send to you include:

Payment verification

Dear Customer, EUR1.00 requested by Paypal on your VEC680 Credit Card was authorised. Call us on +356 21483809 if you disagree.
Dear Customer, EUR1.00 requested by Paypal on your VEC680 Credit Card was declined. Call us on +356 21483809 if you disagree.

These messages are triggered when a payment is charged to your card that you may wish to check. You only need to respond if you disagree with the way the payment was handled. Otherwise you don't need to do anything. 

Card alerts

Dear Customer, please be advised that your card is temporarily blocked for security reasons. Please do not use it at any ATM. Call on +356 21483809 for details.

If we block your card due to suspicious activity, multiple incorrect PIN entries or a report that the card has been lost or stolen, we will send you an SMS to confirm. You can reactivate your card or request a replacement by calling our lost or stolen card support line.

We might also message you with marketing materials from time to time, or to alert you that you have gone into or exceeded your arranged overdraft. 

Common scams to watch out for

Scammers often send fake text messages that look like they've come from your bank, or another trusted organisation. Their goal is to get you to reply with your personal or financial information.

Typically, they will:

  • encourage you to take urgent action
  • ask you to verify new payees, transactions or devices
  • look similar to real messages. They may show up in the same thread as genuine messages you've received from an organisation

The following messages are known frauds that have been sent to our customers, claiming to be from HSBC.

If you receive a message that looks like any of the following, do not respond to them and do not click on any links contained in the message. 

A new PAYEE “MR ADAMS” has been added today. If this was NOT you, please visit
A new payee has been added today. If this was not you, visit
We have flagged your account due to an unusual payee request. To confirm or cancel the payee request click here:
Your order MT621**** is ready, pay the shipping costs that should arrive by 13/05/21: Ticket ID: OTkyMDc4MDQ
Shipping costs not paid. To pay this now visit: if not paid your package will be returned to sender Ticket ID: OTk5NjE1Mzg

Sometimes these scam messages will also be sent in the Maltese language, for example:

L-ordni tiegħek MT621**** hija lesta, ħallas l-ispejjeż tat-tbaħħir li għandhom jitwasslu fit-13/05/21: ID tal-Biljett: OTkyMDc4MDQ
Ħlas tat-tbaħħir mhux imħallas. Biex tħallas dan issa żur: jekk ma tħallasx dan il-pakkett tiegħek jiġi rritornat lil min jibgħat ID tal-Biljett: OTk5NjE1Mzg

Trusted numbers

The numbers below are the only ones that HSBC's fraud team will ever ask you to call. Any other number you're asked to call will not be our fraud team. You should be particularly wary of numbers from area codes outside Malta.

+356 2380 2380

+356 2380 2389

+356 2148 9100

+356 2148 9101

+356 2148 3809

+356 2380 8000

+356 2148 8400

Listening to what you have to say about our services matters to us.